Why Wouldn't You Use Video in Marketing?
Consider these stats from CodeFuel:
- 70% of marketing professionals report that video converts better than any other medium.
- The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video than without.
- 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.
- Using the word "video" in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19%, click-through rates by 65%, and reduces unsubscribe rates by 26%.
- 69% of smartphone users say videos are a perfect solution for smartphone viewing as it offers a quick way for consumers to grasp an overview of a product.
- B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) marketers both say video is in the top 3 most effective social media marketing tactics.
- 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video.
- 52% of marketers believe that video is the content format with the highest ROI.
If you're not using video, you aren't alone- only 24% of brands are using online video to market to consumers. As you can see by the statistics above, it's time to get started! Small business owners and large corporations alike are taking full advantage of video.
Dustin Williams, owner of Aquarium Finatics in Utah believes "adding videos to content when presenting new concepts or telling a story, gives readers a valuable visual element to help them understand the information, and visualize the ideas being presented to them."
Forbes also interviewed Keith Rivers, founder of a Seattle-based agency called Workhouse Creative, on the topic of immersive video. The company's clients include McDonald's as well as Tesla, Ford, and Capitol Records. Keith said that jobs at his company have evolved to "now that we've got this great video, how can we make it a campaign?...I believe mobile can be tactfully integrated into almost any campaign."
It's not just about the video- so much of a successful video is about what you do with it after production. If your business is looking to integrate video into your marketing strategy, give us a call! We have a highly dedicated team of experienced professionals ready to work with you on creating a video suited to your needs.
Read more from Forbes.